Monday, November 28, 2011

"laced up"

dear Glammour Bunnies,

I am selling this piece I had done in June of this year. Its size 11" x 14" on very light sketching paper. The pin-up is a woman dressed as a mermaid. Her mermaid outfit is very detailed and ornate. Flowers, lace, beads, jewels, and beautiful makeup detail. The drawing was done with pencil and on white sketching paper. The photos I have included various shots of the piece. My camera isnt the best, so I hope ou all can see the quality of the piece.

Price is $100 (I wanted to originally price her at $200, so if anyone is willing to pay the higher price for the piece let me know. If not no lower than $100), shipping $10, I am Paypal friendly so email me first at if you are interested in the piece, first come first serve. Once I recieve your email, we can exchange paypal info.
the piece will arrive rolled in a tube.

Hope you all enjoy the piece.

Full image, not actual color, It was just my lighting.

Detail shot of upper half

Detail shop of her bottom.

detail shot of Tail

I hope you all enjoy this piece, it is one of my favorites. So I hope somone picks her.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Garza Pin-Ups" Prints for sale!!!

Dear Glammour Bunnies,

I am very proud and very excited to announce that I have selected 20 pieces and had 4 prints of each made. The prints are basic 4" x 6" inch, glossy prints. Their prices are 5$ each, and shipping will be 3$!!! Pretty good deal huh?? I hope so! lol 

I am PayPal friendly, so here is my Paypal email address:  If you are interested in purchasing a print, please email me at with the name and discription of the pin-up you want, so I can reply, and set one aside for you. Any questions feel free t email me any concerns!!

These will make perfect gifts for the holiday. If you love pinups, beauty and glamour they will no doubt bring joy and happiness!! So with out further a-do here are the selected 20 pieces.

"Wild Orchid" model: Torchy Taboo

"The Glam Bride of Frankenstien"

"Summer Red"

"Saint Patty's A-Ok!!"

"Roxie" model: Roxie le Rouge

"Pink Orchids"


"Old Fashion Wedding Night"

"Nonie" model: Nonie Zuniga



"Dear Red"


"Blouse Bunnies"


"Black Lace study"

"Bettie Page studies"

"Pout" model: Bettie Page

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Step-by step process

Dear Glammour Bunnies,

Here is a piece I have been working on for a while now. My love for 1960s Fashion, PlayBoy and Hair have always had an influence in my Art. So here I am going to share with you the process of this piece. The above photo is the first watercolor study I have done. The orginal pose was the girl standing up, but since my watercolor paper I had was not long enough, I was instructed to change the position of her legs. So now she is kneeling.

Here is the first photo of the final painting to be, I have started to apply her skin tone.

This is an uplcose photo of her face, I have begun to place the first layers of aint for her face/makeup.

Her make-up is almost complete. There is some final detail needed, like her lashes and some highlighting in her face. I have taken a break, and begun to paint her hair.

So here is just a bit of the process in this painting, more to come as the piece is worked on.

Hope you all enjoy!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dreaming of being in Playboy . . . like Vargas.

Dear Glammour Bunnies,

Did you know that my interest and desire to do pin-up began when I came across a painting of Bettie Page by the ever great Olivia? It was in Playboy magazine, my bestfriend's father would get the magazine in the mail, and we would open it from its plastic wrapper and flip through the pages and look at the pretty girls but my favorite part of the whole magazine was to always look for the Olivia pin-up and rip it out . . . before her father got to the magazine. My interest in pinup grew more and more as I came across her books and then back to the master, Alberto Vargas.

My interest in Playboy also grew, since pin-up is the basis of many of the images and photos in the magazine. I found and endlss array of models and ideas. My favorite women to study from were the models from early palyboy, 50s and 60s playmates and bunnies. My dream to once take over the throne of Olivia grew and started me off in a realm in which I felt comfortable and ever so happy to create art. It felt right.

I dreamt of creating beautiful women that Mr. Hefner would love and caption . . . Im am very happy so far with my career, I would change nothing about my start, if I never make it to Playboy magazine, its okay because I know that Olivia, Vargas- and Playboy started me off in a path all my own.

Here I present to you two pieces with captions of their veryown, coined by me. (Sidenote: If you notice a caption that is similar to one in Playboy, please let me know and I will change it. Please provide visual proof. thankyou. )

"It's been a long night . . . care for a night cap Mr. Jones?"

"You seem exhausted Mr. Jones, would you like to relax?"

sketch of my Mother. ". . . My pair of Gloves Mr. Jones. What did you think I said?"

I hope you like what I've done with the captions and all, I am still thinking of more clever and charming ones. I am not to fond of the last caption, I am sue I can change it later on.

Love to you all Glammour Bunnies.

There is more than Art . . .

Dear Glammour Bunnies,

It seems that I have joined the many millions of Bloggers who have a Blog but don't update it as much as they'd like to. I am not dogging any Blogger in anyway, just stating what I have heard and read about from other blogs. It is safe to say that many things can hinder one from posting a new post, Life as they say intervenes . . . or is it spelt entervenes . . . no no I'm pretty sure its the first way . . . hmm *pauses silently*

Anyways, my life as many others has its ups and downs. Very rollercoaster-like. I would love to go into detail, which definetly would make a good read for many . . . but alas I have been told by some friends, "Keep it business like for you Art Blog." How could I possibly keep it all inside, eventually I would come to typing out my emotions and telling tales of my life. I wanna say maybe its the artist in me, not really caring what others think and spilling my guts out . . . or perhaps its the attention seeking human in me, yearning for some people to pay attention to me and tell me, "Its okay, I know how you feel."

I have one specal Guy in my life right now that understands me, and does a very good job with making everything bad go away, it really does just seem to vanish. The time that I spend with him is very special and I guess precious, since a few days will go by with me not seeing him due to his work schedule. I get a bit sad knowing that our time together is limited and I will have to return home, which at times is never, ever really happy. That is a very heartbreaking truth to my families situation, nobody is going to be trully, happy. I wish, hope, pray and beat my bains out that we would be the same family as it were when I was a kid. We are all grown ups now, I'm 23 a,d my sis is 25. Our family has grown apart, ugly, grudges have taken the place of Love, and one to many people have been taken for granted, some are set in their old habits, and a some are trying to start a new but seem to never get an inch out in their new lives for others are holding them back from the happiness they only catch a glimpse of, be it a phonecall, or a visit that lasts only two or three hours.

I am happy to say that I have a grown abit in the past year. Focusing on my Pin-up art career, I've have had set backs and times of weakness that really make it seem that I am never going to get anywhere. My father fills me with words of encouragement and seems to lift my spirits very high and sometimes makeing them permanent everytime. "Focus on your Art, your career. You set your goals and dont't let anything get you down, you have to learn to push yourself and go on no matter what happens. Don't let anything thats happening here (at home) take that away from you."

Three people, close to me I would like to thank here and now, they remind me to not let things bother me their encouragement has been very crucial in many ways in my life as of this year, or towards the end of this year.

My boyfriend, for giving me some insight on my art, giving me great ideas and spotting out minor errors here and there to better my work. He is a beautiful guy- inside and out. 

My Father, Thanks for being a great Father and being there for me more in 2011 than ever before, it really does make up for alot of lost time, we have more than enough time to continue our great relationship.

and last but not least, my Beautiful, gorgeous, ever so strong Mother. You were my first muse and model for my art, and you have taught me many valueble things, as well as giving me Life and passing on your Artistic abilities to me and your "Don't care what others think-Headstrong" attitude that I do catch glimpses of when I least expect it.

That is a pretty brief but very informative piece, it says alot without going into vivid-sad details. I always feel better after expressing these feelings. It is nice to write them out and sort of spin them off into cyber space.

Thank you Glammour Bunnies for staying put and tuned, Art will be the focus of my next posts, I promise.

Friday, September 16, 2011

~Art for Sale~

Dear Glamour Bunnies,

**Please Note: The pieces "Blonde" and "Pink Lovliness" are No longer available. Stay tuned for more Art to come**

Here are some sketches and watercolor studies that are for sale. They all will be at a more than reasonable price of $20. I will accept paypal payments. If you are interested in a piece please e-mail me the name/title of the piece you are interested in at The piece of art will arrive in a rolled tube, pretty basic and unframed. All pieces are about 11" x 15" inches give or take an inch.



Pink lovliness
Bettie Page

Saturday, July 16, 2011

~A tale of Wossum~

Dear Glamour Bunnies,

I have been blessed with the most charming, crazy, spoiled, strange, gentle, weird, scary, beautiful, lazy, adventurous cat ever. His name is Wossum, and the story behind how he got his name was certainly a very dramatic-scary moment in his little life. One that could have limited his life span to only 4 Weeks had we not interfered with the "Circle of Life" as someone once so rudely put.

Wossum, when he was a baby :')

Living at my grandmothers house, we noticed that cats would come and go. Eventually those cats turned out kittens, and kittens(as well as the older wild cats) sadly would come and go to the natural ways of nature. One kitten imparticular caught the attention of me and my mother, a small smokey-little dusty lookin ball of fur. He seemed to be much more tougher than his 4 week old image put out, as he wondered the open back yard with the other cats that found their way into my grandmothers backyard. I point out a whole in the fence, where they came and went as they pleased, usually when the food was gone. He would trot along and follow the big cats as if he was one of them. Eating when my uncle would whistle to give them scraps and or cat food he would buy. The little kitten was an orphan, my mother and I concluded when we realized that none of the other cats really took care of him the way most mother cats would.

We tried as the days went on to capture him, just to hold him and pet him, and to basically absorb his cuteness. We managed to catch him twice, but he being on his own from an early age, he was a fast learner to staying away fom anything that seemed dangerous. Including us two friendly humans.

One night while my mother was out in the backyard, enjoying the sparsly-cloudy sky, with a bright moon. She was frighteningly alarmed by the screams of kitten in distress. Her mind immediatly thought of the little, gray kitten that wondered grandmothers back yard, that would hide-out under the house. She ran and crouched down under the house from where the little kittens screams came from, and was met with a horrible, nasty Possum hissing and spitting at her. She grabbed a hand ful of rocks from under the house and began throwing them at the possum, that was still hissing and screaching at her. Mother eventually managed to get the possum to retreat. Though where was the kitten? it was quite and dark and he was nowhere to be found.

I was in the shower, listening to music as this happened. Once out I asked my mother what all the banging on the door was earlier. She proceeded to tell me about what she had heard and that she needed some flashlights to try and find the kitten. She thougt he as dead, and she didnt want to give the possum the satisfaction of coming back to retrieve his body. We searched for almost two hour under the house and the surrounding trees and bushes. The little gray kitten was nowhere to be found, my mother luckily thought of one more place to look, the old water heater attached to the back of the house.

Sure enough, to our hearts content she found him. He had crawled through a small opening underneath the waterheater and hid in the corner of the wooden cover. She picked him up and we took him to thelaundry room. My mother grabbed the first aid kit, where she began to nurse his wounds. The possum must have spooked him and as he tried to  make a run for it and the possum took hold of his little hind foot. It was all swollen and pink. Thankfully he was not bitten to bad, blood or broken bones. Just a big, fat, foot.

Wossum having his first Bath after we brough him in.

After that night he didnt leave my sight nor side, we brought him in and I took over nursing him backto health. He slept in a pet-carrier, complete with a soft towel and his very own special toys, (which I went out the very next afternoon to buy him.) It took him about a week to walk around on his own, and he didnt mind jumping and running amuck so early with a huge, fat, swollen foot. He had not fear in his new home, and I was very protective of him. My sisters kids were visiting, and theyre sweet, but I would not have him rough-housed at all. He ruled the house, and learned to use the kitty box two days after being in our home. I was very proud of him. After about a week of having him we settled on a name, Wossum. My nephew couldnt pronounce the word possum, so we thought it was cute and the name stuck. Wossum was here to stay, and I finally have a cat that I can call my own.

He is everything a cat should be, and more. A very special cat, and I love having him here with me. He will be a year old this coming October. <3

Cotton Candy Wossum

... My Little Hellion <3

Monday, July 11, 2011

~I Dream of Lily~ update

Dear Glammour Bunnies,

I believe this is definetly a very long, waaaay over do Update on my, code name "Project Lily." So much has happened since I started this project, I've been really busy physically and emotionally. It all started back in April when I was invited to stay with my Best Friend and her family for the whole month of May. Her baby and I share birthdays in May, so naturally why not celebrate together? I was scheduled to leave the weekend before May started, her parents were due for a trip to Las Vegas, prompting me an early departure and extra early arrival. My plans were setting in the cement that would be stone, till another friend whom I was helping to pack up their apartment suggested I travel with them to Austin and help unpack and check a few places while there, then from Austin go to Houston. I agreed and motified the stone before it set. So from home to 5 hours later be in Austin for 3 and half days. Then from Austin and two hours later be in Houston.

It was very fun and I needed the getaway, I was sadly still in the end, misty-fog of a very difficult end to a confusing brief relationship. I was in desperate need to get away and figure out what to do with myself and where to begin all over. I guess picking up the pieces, which were all tossed in a box hiding under the bed somewhere. So while drfting around from the end of April through May till the beginning of June Ive been slowly but surley getting more artwork done.

Ive got the following Art done for the ~I Dream of Lily~ series. Two pantings, the sketches for them as well as some rough drafts for other versions of Lily . . . I hope ya'll enjoy them.

Detail shot: make-up almost done, just need to add in the top lashes, also some Blush.

Full shot: Still need details on her lingerie aswell as her shoes.
Full Shot: ~I Dream of Lily ~2

Full shot: working up skin color and pink see-through-waist high stockings. The stocking will have lacy-designs. Still have to add in the telephone and telephone wire.

Detail shot: still gotta work on her lashes and lipstick, basically all make up will be re-worked. as well as a background.

~I Dream of Lily~ 3
Detail shot: ~I Dream of Lily~3

~I Dream of Lily~ 4 rough draft

~I Dream of Lily~ 4 Detail shot.

I really hope everyone likes the updates on this project. The ~I Dream of Lily~ Series. Love you all and take care!!!!

-Xavier xoxo

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dear Red . . . SOLD!!! :D

Hello Glamour Bunnies,

I have the most exciting News to share!! I have sold my first Painting. A painting I have titled "Dear Red," she was one of my first pieces I ever painted, well one of my First big paintings. Sorry but this post will have to be a short one very busy evening ahead of me, two paintings to finish up by Saturday!!! dun Dun DUN!!! Deadlines are scary!! :O

The Owner is Luis The Publisher. Which is actually his contact name in my cell and e-mail. Luis is the Publisher of the online Publication, "The Lingerie Journal." A nifty site that keeps up with the latest designers and fashions in the lacey, frilly lingerie World.

I am so very happy to have sold my first big piece.

"Dear Red, you are off to a better place." I will miss you

-Xavier xoxox