Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Just showing a new piece I did early this morning. Its a watercolor painting of a model named Joe Napolie from the 1950s. I used a photo of him from a Vintage Beefcake magazine I bought.
Below are a couple of shots, just before and after. The pics maybe bad due to my camera phone ... but its better than nothing! Haha


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pushing my boundaries...

With the new year brings lots of new things. We set new goals to achieve and resolutions to better ourselves for our new year.

I've decided that it is time I push myself and my boundaries regarding my art. Over the years I've collected reasons as to why I paint beautiful women. Those reasons have grown and developed into many different aspects that define myself as an artist and who I am as human being.

I want to answer this and explain myself but I just can never find the right moment to do so. I'm currently posting blogs via my cell phone. So its kind of annoying when you want to type out a long tale about who you really are as an artist.
I want to go into detail about why I'm so interested in painting pretty women. How it all began... how I'm growing and seeing new things about myself I never knew were there before. How Ive opened my eyes to my work.

My laptop is dead. I'd like to sit with it and type away...

Business of Pleasure

Its a pleasure doing this business that I do. . . Some sketches for upcoming work for a future interview.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Simply put, Love.

I had a dream, felt real as ever. It was about my ex. We were in a new world, to me everything was different but he seemed to know everything in and out about this dream world. I was lost. Happy, warm and scared. We were floating at night, over a dark lake. Laughing, enjoying one another but yet it was awkward for I knew it was a dream.  We were mice running from some sort of hideous goblin, seeking shelter in an antique shop-where at the blink of an eye, back to our human forms, shopping in a new thrift shop on a rainy day ... "Where is he? This dream is nice but time is limited, I'm going to wake up soon..."

Looking back at it all, I'm so proud that I was able to experience Love. We had a love for one another, despite the issues. We just couldnt make it work anymore. It was a beautiful thing. A wonderful experience and it makes me envious of the time I spent with him. I now enjoy the memories when they surface. I smile, laugh and then drop it ...

We learn from our mistakes. Which of course I can see and I acknowledge all my rights and wrongs through out our relationship.

After a breakup, one's eyes open and they see the world alittle bit differently. They see themselves differently, I can see that I have grown from this experience. Its amazing. I see things in a new way.

I look forward to being able to share love again with someone in the future.


Changa and I...

Just up at 4am. I've got a really bad sore throat. Feels like I've got spines in my throat as I swallow. Very painful ... but I felt like getting some work done.
My ever faithful cat, Changa, is at my side as usual. You can see her, to the right. Blurry, grey and striped.

She is always where I'm at. Kitchen, she's on the counter. Bathroom, she's on the counter. Desk or drawing table, she's literally on my Sketchbook. I think she believes she's small as can be.
She knows when its time for bed and sleeps on me.
I'm on my back, she's on my chest.
I'm on my belly, she's on my back.
Same goes for if I'm asleep on my sides. You guessed it. On my upper arm.
She's my shadow. My spoiled, green eyed, lovely, grey baby girl. She's got a sweet, little meow... anyways ... that's Changa-Arania.

.... She's my leech ... haha


Just some sketches for up coming pieces in pencil and watercolor.

Monday, January 14, 2013

So far..

So good. Just another update on my most recent piece.
Started detailing her face some. Blush, eyeliner, eyecolor and lipstick. All of which may look finished but still need more work done.


Here's a bit of what I'm working on.
Trying a new pattern on her lingerie this time around. Something new. I figure babysteps are necessary here at this stage. Don't wanna get too cocky and then mess up!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today's work consisted of a redhead. She wasn't exactly supposed to be one, but it seems she will stay a redhead.

I will try a different technique and slightly different colors in her hair...
More work to do.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Mother

Well, its very late and I can't sleep. So thought I'd share a bit of one of my inspirations, my Mother.
She has posed for me about two times. Both sessions producing many good images.
Below will be a detail shit of a drawing and a photo I took of her aswell.


Working on some new pieces.
Here are some sketches for some new paintings coming up.

Beefcake Collection

Recently went on eBay in search of pinup stuff. Decided to start collecting vintage cheesecake and beefcake magazines.
So here is my first find. Delivered today.

1965 Issue of "The Male Figure."
Features dozens of cute guys in swell poses. I will definitely be painting them very soon!

My favorite model so far is Joe Napolie. I love his poses. Just what I'm looking for in for my work.

Can't wait to paint!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Here's some sketches for a new piece. I painted it already but I don't like the way it turned out on some new illustration board. So will start over.
There is a fuller detailed drawing and also a smaller more cartoonish version, which was the first I did before liking it and redrawing it bigger.
They are censored with little bits of tape lol

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hair style sketches

Just sharing two hair style sketches.
One is a 1960s bouffant style.
Second is a 1950s side swept look. Think Veronica Lake or Jessica Rabbit but with more volume.

My favorite is the side swept look. I love the expression on her face, she's beautiful. I hope to make a full piece featuring her.

Sneek Peek!

Just sharing a new piece I'm working on. The first pieces of the New Year.
I decided to push my personal boundaries/views on sex and love with this new piece. I will explain more in an upcoming entry hopefully today.